Development Ressources

This section provides some entry points for further development of PyMbs.

Adding new code-export targets

1. Implement the xxxPrinter.h and xxxPrinter.cpp for the export target. The printer converts the symbolic expressions to strings for the target. Usually the target languages don’t have native linear algebra support. Thus the printer must incorporate the library that is used in the final code such as numpy arrays in Python.

2. Implement the xxxWriter.h and the xxxWriter.cpp for the export target. The writer creates the actual code files with functions for the state derivative, sensors, visuals etc. The code created here will be the actual running model in the target language.

3. Add the new writer to CGraph_writeOutput() in CGraph.cpp and provide a string identifier for the target. Usually the file extension of the target’s source code files is used, such as “py” for Python.

4. Add a function to the class GenCode in to access the target from the PyMbs model description file. Make shure to use the same string identifier as in step 3.

5. Test, test, test. The export shall work with as many examples as possible but at least for the basic ones in the examples/ root folder.