Mass-Spring-Damper System

Another commonly used introductory system is the mass-spring-damper system. A mass connected to a spring and a damper is displaced and then oscillates in the absence of other forces. If you want to try it first, or look at the complete source code, see

As in the previous example, we import PyMbs, set up an intial reference frame and add a few parameters:

from pymbs.input import MbsSystem

world = MbsSystem([0, 0, -1])
m = world.addParam('m', 1)
c = world.addParam('c', 10)
d = world.addParam('d', 0.2)

Now we add the mass to the system and add a joint. Tz means that the mass can only undergo translation in z-direction. None of this is really new, but we add another parameter to the joint, startVals=1, which means the mass will have an initial displacement of one:

movingBody = world.addBody(m)
world.addJoint(world, movingBody, 'Tz', startVals=1)

This is where it gets interesting. We want to add a force to the system to simulate the influence of a spring and damper on the mass. First, we need to know the displacement and velocity of the mass. Therefore, we add a distance sensor:

l = world.addSensor.Distance('l', movingBody, world)

The Distance sensor measures the scalar distance between two coordinate systems, here the systems of movingBody and world. Additionally, it measures the velocity. You can access the distance with l[0] and the velocity with l[1]. The force for a spring is F_s = - c x, with c being the spring constant, and for a damper with a damping coefficient of d the force is F_d = - d \dot{x}. Therefore, we add an expression that includes both:

F = world.addExpression('F', -(c * l[0] + d * l[1]))

So far, this only calculates the value of the force, but it isn’t applied to the system. To change this, we add a PtPForce between the body and the world:

world.addLoad.PtPForce(F, movingBody, world)

As in the previous example, we need to add visualisations so that we can see the movement of our system:

world.addVisualisation.Box(movingBody, 1, 1, 1)

In the end, we generate the equations of motion for our system and show the visualisation:


This is what it should look like:


In the end, the complete source looks like this:

Model for a 1D mass attached to a parallel spring-damper.

# Warning: The source code of the examples is quoted in the documentation. If
# you change this file, you'll have to change the corresponding file in the
# documentation (see doc/examples).

# set up PyMbs and the multi-body system
from pymbs.input import MbsSystem

world = MbsSystem([0, 0, -1])

# Add parameters
m = world.addParam('m', 1)
c = world.addParam('c', 10)
d = world.addParam('d', 0.2)

# Add the body and constrain its movement
movingBody = world.addBody(m)
world.addJoint(world, movingBody, 'Tz', startVals=1)

# Add force to simulate a spring-damper combination
l = world.addSensor.Distance('l', movingBody, world)
F = world.addExpression('F', -(c * l[0] + d * l[1]))
world.addLoad.PtPForce(F, movingBody, world)

# Add visualisations
world.addVisualisation.Box(movingBody, 1, 1, 1)

# Generate equations and show the system